Environment and Sustainability Committee
Inquiry into Energy Policy and Planning in Wales

EPP 98 – Marie Shirley Smith


20th September, 2011


FAO Environment & Sustainability Committee

Cardiff Bay

CF99 1NA


Please reconsider the proposals in TAN8 for onshore wind farms in mid-wales. The implementation of this policy would devastate my community and neighbouring communities here in mid-wales due to the cumulative impact of a huge number of wind turbines (45no. alone are proposed for Dyfnant wind farm in Llangadfan, each 606 feet high – the highest in the UK) and there are at least 2 more wind farms proposed for neighbouring Llanerfyl, all 3 wind farms would be visible from Llangadfan. Dyfnant would be visible from Snowdonia National Park. Along with the turbines there would be the new roads required to supply the wind farms with the turbines and associated equipment – destroying our winding, hedged country lanes; the 4 acre substation proposed for a wooded glade in the forest; and the 50m high pylons. The cumulative effects on this rural community would be sufficient to destroy the areas natural assets, tourism and quality of life for our families.


We would seriously consider moving away – however house prices would be so reduced we would not be able to afford to sell our house. I also worry for the health of my 3 children who would be brought up in such close proximity to massive electrical infrastructure. I doubt people would move to this area following the arrival of the wind farm – hence the school will close as nearly half the children currently have moved to the area in the last few years. This inflow would stop. No school – no community.


Dyfnant is literally one of dozens of wind farms proposed in this small area as a result of under-researched, out of date policy that was not adequately consulted upon in this area. A petition has been collected of over 300 signatures - nearly half the electorate of the Banw and Llanerfyl electorate - and it is growing by the day. Russell George (AM) will receive a copy.  The petition objects to the Dyfnant Wind Farm and associated infrastructure. I would not be surprised if 90% of the electorate sign the petition – the only ones not doing so are those with planning applications in for windfarms on their land. 


I have lived here for 10 years, and I had not heard of TAN 8 until this year. Like me, lots of people in this community were similarly unaware of TAN 8, and of the high number of wind farms proposed for this area, and had no idea about the pylons that would come with them, until this year.


We are communities in need of protection and support from greedy wind farm companies and insensitive power infrastructure providers such as SPEN and National Grid. Please help us.


Please make sure the cumulative impact of the construction and finished schemes of all the windfarms proposed in Powys is considered and assessed in reviewing individual planning applications for wind farms. This is currently not happening in the planning process so the cumulative impact of wind farms and pylons etc for example on Llanerfyl and Llangadfan is not being fully appreciated.


Please review TAN 8. It has the potential to allow irreparable damage to the landscape, economy, health and heritage of my community in Llangadfan and the immediate area particularly, and has implications spreading throughout Montgomeryshire.


Please stop the wind farms in mid-wales from spreading like a cancer through our beautiful communities.



Yours sincerely,





Marie Shirley Smith.


cc. Russell George AM

      Glyn Davies MP